Nov 16, 2022

How Should You Approach Life With Peyronie’s Disease?

Sexual function is one of the most important qualities for most men. Ideally, the sexual activity wouldn’t involve any negative outliers or pain. Unfortunately, issues like erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease are common conditions that can hamper the joy felt in the bedroom.

At DFW ED, we’ve dedicated our lives to helping men throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth area find relief from sexual frustration outside of the OR and prescriptions.

Let’s take a closer look at Peyronie’s disease and how DFW ED can help symptoms of the disease become a problem of the past.

What is Peyronie’s Disease? 

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that causes the development of scar tissue inside the penis. This scar tissue can cause the penis to bend or curve during an erection.

Peyronie’s disease is an extremely painful condition that can take all pleasure out of a “magic moment.” Currently, there is no cure for Peyronie’s disease, but certain treatments can help manage a patient’s symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease?

Keep in mind that all penises come in their own shape and size. Thus, a slight curvature isn’t always a sign of concern for Peyronie’s. 

Some of the most common red-flag symptoms we’ve seen at DFW ED include the following:

  • Plaque or hard tissue along the penis
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Penile pain both during and after an erection
  • Deformities outside of the traditional Peyronie’s curve

How does Peyronie’s Disease Develop?

Peyronie’s disease typically develops slowly and may not cause any symptoms for months or even years. The cause of Peyronie’s disease is unknown, but it is believed to be the result of trauma to the penis. 

Factors that may increase your risk of developing Peyronie’s disease include:

  1. Age – Peyronie’s disease is more common in men over the age of 40.
  2. Family History – If your father or brother has Peyronie’s disease, you are more likely to develop the condition. If you believe you’re experiencing symptoms of the disease, don’t be ashamed to speak up and discuss medical history with your close family members.
  3. Diabetes – Men with diabetes are more susceptible to developing Peyronie’s disease.
  4. Obesity – Being overweight can put extra stress on the penile tissue and lead to the development of Peyronie’s disease.
  5. If you think you may have Peyronie’s disease, see your doctor for a diagnosis. Early treatment is important to prevent the condition from worsening.

What is the Long-Term Outlook for Someone with Peyronie’s Disease?

The long-term outlook for someone with Peyronie’s disease depends on the severity of the condition and the success of treatment. Peyronie’s disease is a chronic condition that can cause significant physical and emotional distress. If you’re living with Peyronie’s disease, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your treatment options and make a plan for managing your condition

What Are Your Treatment Options?

If you’re living with Peyronie’s disease, you’re likely eager to look for treatment options. One of the more popular options is surgery to remove scar tissue plaque. This can be done through various surgical techniques, and your doctor will help you decide which is best for you based on the severity of your case. 

Surgery may not be an option for everyone, and it carries with it the risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, and loss of sensation in the penis. This is why it’s often a last resort for men that have lived with the disease longer than a year or have a severe and painful curvature.

Another option is injections of medication into the plaque. This medication helps to break down the scar tissue and may improve curvature. However, it is important to note that this treatment does not always work and may need to be repeated every few months.

There are also nonsurgical treatments that can be effective in some cases. These include oral medications, traction devices, exercises, and skin grafts. Peyronie’s disease is complex; finding the right treatment option can take time and trial and error. However, with patience and working closely with a doctor, it is possible to find a treatment that relieves symptoms and improves quality of life.

DFW ED’s Natural Approach to Peyronie’s Disease

At DFW ED, we take a natural approach to resolving the symptoms of painful penile curvature and erectile dysfunction. Our revolutionary P-Shot is based on PRP therapy that naturally uses your own platelet-rich plasma to regenerate damaged tissue that could result in symptoms of Peyronie’s disease.

Our P-Shot offers patients long-term relief from sexual dysfunction and helps restore confidence without repeat prescriptions and painful surgical recoveries.

If you’re ready to take the next step away from the physical and emotional pain of Peyronie’s Disease, DFW ED is here to help.

Schedule your consultation today for more information on our all-natural approach to men’s sexual health.