Sep 28, 2022

Is the P-Shot a Solution for Erectile Dysfunction?

Priapus Shot, commonly referred to as the P-Shot

Erectile dysfunction is a health issue that no man wants to live with and can be difficult to face head-on and resolve. 

Performance in the bedroom is something most men take to heart. So, when factors like age, prostate cancer, diabetes, and side effects from medication interfere with sexual health, frustration can be something that hits you to the core.

Little blue pills aren’t always the best last resort as they can lead to issues like:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Vision problems

Fortunately, there is an all-natural solution that can help you overcome erectile dysfunction, replenish your confidence, and improve your overall sexual wellness. Let’s take a look at the P-Shot and how treatment from DFWED can help.

What is the P-Shot?

The Priapus Shot, commonly referred to as the P-Shot is a rejuvenation treatment that uses your body’s natural platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to activate cellular regeneration and tissue repair within the penis.

During our process, a specialist will draw blood from your body, isolate the PRP, and inject it into the penis to start the regenerative process.

The P-Shot is a revolutionary advancement that garners results within 1 to 6 weeks and can last up to 2 years.

Is the P-Shot Successful?

In short, yes, the P-Shot is extremely effective, especially for patients living with erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease. It has a 75% to 80% effect rate, and most men really only need one shot.

Patients who visit DFWED can walk away knowing that our P-Shot treatment can help them experience relief from the following conditions:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lack of general sexual function
  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Peyronie’s disease

Top Benefits of Getting the P-Shot

Aside from general relief from the obvious sexual conditions the P-shot helps, there are several other benefits men can experience from this medical advancement.

  • Patients often report experiencing stronger, firmer erections
  • Sexual performance becomes easier to achieve
  • The potential for increased penis length and girth
  • Improved sexual stamina and desired sensitivity

What Can You Expect From Your P-Shot Appointment?

Going into a newer procedure like the P-Shot is something that many people are naturally apprehensive about. At DFWED we believe in being open about our processes and are here to help you understand what you can actually expect out of your appointment with our specialist.

  • A quick blood extraction where we then insert the blood into a centrifuge machine to draw out the PRP.
  • While the treatment does include an injection into your penis, we will numb the area with an anesthetic cream that results in a pain-free procedure.
  • After the anesthetic kicks in, our specialists will directly inject the PRP into your penis where the regeneration process naturally begins.
  • We’ll discuss post-procedure treatment plans and schedule any potential follow ups you may need.
  • Keep in mind that the P-Shot is a procedure that takes around an hour to complete and most patients are able to safely drive themselves home and perform standard activities that same day.

Take Control of Your Sexual Health Today with DFWED

DFWED is one of the frontline specialist offices in Dallas that helps patients overcome erectile dysfunction through natural and noninvasive practices. No pills required; just the determination to regain your confidence as a man. 

If the P-Shot sounds like a solution you’d like to learn more about, reach out to us for your questions or schedule an appointment with our specialists today.